
When I travel I love to explore! Walking the streets or investigating an ancient monastery thrills me. I thought I had reached the end of this hallway but I looked to the right and saw this staircase leading up, obviously I couldn't resist going there. This is in Portugal the end of last year, Convent of Christ in Tomar.

Tucson Jazz Festival

This photo was created for the 2025 Tucson Jazz Festival program cover. Festival Director Khris Dodge said this year's festival theme is “joy”. When I think of jazz normally my thoughts go to nighttime, dark smoky clubs, often in black-and-white. In this case I had to visualize something uplifting and colorful. The Rialto theater and energetics subject Aaliyah Mazzeo we’re great.

Street Photography-New York

I was in college when I started photographing in Coney Island, NY (1979-80). C.I. was just a short train ride from where I lived. I photographed with pure emotion and visceral instinct. I know so much more today but still feel lucky and learn every time I pick up my camera.

Biosphere two

This photo was created for a story about Biosphere 2 for Edible Magazine a few years ago. It is an example to me of the Boy Scout motto “be prepared” combined with the Canadian Mountie motto “always get your man”. I arrived to scout and and get a tour by the assistant director. The sky was spectacular that day. After the tour I realized I wouldn't get a better opportunity to do an overall shot of the facility so I started hiking around. I brought the camera & lenses I thought I might need. I saw this spot about a ⅓ mile away on a hill in the desert. After a few dead ends I found myself in the perfect spot.

Arizona Inn

This photo Chef Aron Fonte-Grushka at the Arizona Inn was created for the November 2023 issue of Arizona Highways Magazine. The assignment was to photograph a couple of plates of food and do a photo of the chef cooking. When I got there I scouted around and the idea of the chef reaching under the shelf with all his utensils up above wasn't exactly what the magazine was asking for but I decided to do an additional image. They prefered this version, which I do too. Usually pays to go with your gut feeling.

Kabuki Cowboy

I'm happy to announce that this photograph, Kabuki Cowboy, was selected to be in the collection of the Tucson Museum of Art. The photo was originally created for the cover of Tucson Lifestyle Magazine. The subject was a sushi chef at a local restaurant.

The Shelter Cocktail Lounge

This photo was created for the cover of Tucson Guide’s recent issue for a story about dive bars in Tucson. It was done at The Shelter Cocktail Lounge - a great place to photograph with lots of options for camera angle, great color, lights and kitsch. I couldn't resist photographing this nuclear green cocktail.

Vintage Cars

This photo was created for a story in Tucson Lifestyle Magazine (at a time when film was king) about owners of vintage cars. The location is just a few blocks from my studio and I've been driving past it for years. I've watched this old service station deteriorate and then get renovated and then deteriorate again. The photo has a soft velvety sense of timelessness and feel of another era. I believe I may have photographed it at its peak nostalgic moment.

Swedish magazine cover

This is the cover of Akavia Aspekt, a Swedish academic magazine. Akavia is the union for university-educated professionals. The story is about Martin Dufwenberg a Swedish professor of economics at the University of Arizona Eller College. He’s featured because he created a scientific formula for happiness! I believe it's important to create photos that are in sync with the style of the client. They absolutely loved our Arizona desert.

Jazz festival program cover

This photo was created for the cover of this year's Tucson Jazz Festival program. The idea for the photo came to me after last year's event. It was in the back of my mind till we shot, but in the end it morphed into something a little different because of the location. I still have half my original idea to think about for next year.

Sonoran Dog

This photo of a “Sonora Hot-Dog” was created for a cookbook a few years ago. It is popular in Southern Arizona and the Mexican state of Sonora. It's basically a hot dog wrapped in bacon on a special bun with beans and more condiments and garnish then I can list. Sometimes I just crave one of these with a beer.

Artist Leo Rosano – Tucson Arizona

This photo of the artist Aureleo "Leo" Rosano was made in the mid 90s for my project photographing 100 southern Arizona artists. I remember the moment we captured this joyous image - the sun was going down quickly and setting behind a hill across from his home. The light lasted only a moment.

Arizona Wine Country

Last October I photographed Rancho Milagro bed and breakfast for a magazine story in Sonoita, Arizona. We arrived a bit early for the shoot hoping for that beautiful Southern Arizona late fall/winter light and we weren't disappointed. We also had this spectacular sky. We jumped out of the car to take this photo and just managed to capture it before the light changed. There's nothing better than arriving early and getting lucky.

Aids Memorial Quilt-Tucson Arizona

This photo was captured at the Aids Memorial Quilt unveiling done every year on a Sunday morning in October, downtown Tucson. I've been going for years and find it very moving. Living through a pandemic makes me feel all the more connected.

Tucson Meet Yourself - chance meeting

I love Photographing at Tucson Meet Yourself. You have a microcosm of people from the whole world in front of you. At first it's visually overwhelming, then there are moments I feel I've captured something special. But so many things seem to come at me so quickly. People ask along the way how the photography is going. I always say, “I’ll know when I see them next week”, after needed rest and some emotional distancing. Stay safe and healthy.

Tucson Symphony Orchestra Conductor

We photographed conductor José Luis Gomez of the Tucson symphony orchestra this year. The symphony was looking for iconic Tucson locations for the photography. Tucson is becoming renowned for it’s many wonderful murals spread around town. This is one of my favorites.

Behind the scenes

A couple of years ago I was hired to do behind the scenes images of a video production. I always felt this image had an ominous feel to it, but the client loved it.

Orchard in the sun

This photo is an outtake from a magazine shoot at Angle Orchard, Safford, Arizona. I go to every shoot with some preconceived images in my head, to use as a starting point. Even if I've never been there I try to visualize it. Sometimes the situation doesn't overlap my imagination, then I have to improvise. This location was beautiful with fabulous fruits, but it was a rainy day and we photographed in between the rain with cloud cover. We did come prepared and this sunny-looking photo is the result of our lighting techniques.

Visit Tucson-Mission Gardens

This photo was created for Visit Tucson at Mission Gardens. The gardens are described as a living agricultural museum of southwest heritage. I scouted the location with the VP of marketing, Lee McLaughlin. I’ve always found the process of a photo shoot intriguing. Originally the cover photo was going to be an overview with the gardens, people working and Sentinel Peak behind. But that idea was scrapped after we did this photo. She was a natural!